Is your brain feeling overwhelmed and tired? Read for foundational brain support to ease everyday stressors on your system.
In our current world, our brains could always use support
At NBB, we are honored to serve patients with a variety of brain-based conditions.
Trying to understand the brain and all of her functions can be overwhelming. Our brains are brilliant, beautiful adaptive organs. The principle of neuroplasticity tells us that the brain is capable of change. This is encouraging! But the question is– how?
As with most things, it comes down to the basics– oxygen, proper fuel, and appropriate stimulation.
This means that some simple moves can be a huge display of love to your brain!
Oxygen – take some time to lay down (blood flow doesn’t have to work against gravity), and take some diaphragmatic breaths. The mobility of the diaphragm helps facilitate venous return–meaning that it helps blood return to the heart after it’s done depositing oxygen in the tissues and cleaning up the waste products for disposal.
Proper fuel – the main energy source for brain functioning and energy production is glucose. This is another reason why blood glucose regulation is so important! Our brain cannot function optimally on junk. Proteins and good fats are the best fuel sources. Excessive sugar and constant extreme highs and lows of blood sugar can cause brain inflammation.
Appropriate stimulation – the world that we live in can be overstimulating. Between the blue lights, the toxins, the EMF, etc., it can be difficult to stay connected to our bodies. Replacing screen time with time in the sunshine not only soothes our nervous systems, it supports our sleep cycles. Of course, getting adjusted is also supportive stimulation!
Make time to unwind from your daily stressors.
Stressors can look like busy schedules, screens, work, family (yes, it’s ok to admit family can be stressful), the environment, chronic health issues— just to name a few.